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The Spiritual Awakening


Humanity’s spiritual awakening is gathering at a pace.

Many have already awoken to the profound magic of Unity Consciousness

– that cosmic energy which unites all.

But what is the next step? Where do we go from there?

It’s all about learning to ‘walk the path’ by following our inner compass

– making the choices of our higher self. So how exactly does that work?

When we find ourselves living in the moment, those that do,

will often speak of the natural flow of the moment;

an underlying energy which has purpose and direction

just as a mountain stream flowing back to the ocean.

Our society seems almost completely oblivious to that flow.

An illusionary reality has been built for us founded

on deadlines, agendas and lower based desires.

So ingrained is this system of conditioning,

that when we do finally surrender to the moment

and reconnect with the natural flow,

it can seem like we’ve suddenly become completely at odds with society.

It’s as if we’re feeling guidance and sense of higher purpose

but practically everyone and everything in the external mirror

wants us to go in the opposite direction.

It can be extremely de-stabilising and confusing.

No wonder so many light-workers experience difficulty at this point.

It’s enough to test the faith of an angel!

So in learning to walk the path, it’s likely

that we might have many false starts to begin with.

We might get drawn down many blind alleys before we fully engage.

And yet success is open to every one of us

when we finally decide that the direction

in which society is heading does not serve.

Then there is really only one choice to make – go inwards,

surrender to the soul and trust what we’re being invited to do

at whatever apparent personal cost to the personality.

It’s then – and only then – that we’re truly ready to walk the path.

It is possible we will have heard the universe say: -


“My dear friend, society is completely at odds with our natural ecosystems

– something that has been obvious to you for a while now.

But it is not your fault and it won’t serve you or me

to take on the blame for it.

Most importantly, I do feel your love and compassion

in the thinking and realisations you’re making.

So you’re not to blame BUT,

you are responsible for the choices you now make.

You have come to this place for a reason…

to discover and express your soul in the choices

that you continually make in every moment.

This is a very imperfect world.

You will have to make many compromises,

but there’s one compromise you should always avoid…

compromising your soul.

Which means not to let your soul be sold cheaply

because of conditioned behaviours aligned with expediency.

With each choice, go deep in your heart;

be sure that you’re not simply giving in

to the easy, low-cost, quick fix option.

Feel deeply your connection with me and you will find

you’ll be able to make the higher choice.

That doesn’t mean to say you’ll have to starve or go without.

It is enough to find your highest truth

and feel your at-one-ment with me.

We know this world is imperfect.

A more perfected, renewed world awaits everyone

when you can let go of lower conditioning

and find the higher unconditional love for all life.

So make your realisations and then

make your choices

without fear, blame or regret”.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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